Traffic Offenses
Wake County, North Carolina – Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney
A traffic ticket can ruin your day, jeopardize your driving privileges, and cause your auto insurance premiums to dramatically increase. Even a simple speeding ticket can quickly become expensive and inconvenient. My goal is to help you avoid harsh penalties, protect your driving record, and save you valuable time and money.
Navigating the busy, increasingly congested roadways in and around Wake County can sometimes be frustrating. If you’ve received a traffic ticket for speeding, reckless driving, running a red-light or stop sign, or any other moving violation, it’s worth discussing your options with an experienced traffic attorney.
DO NOT pay your ticket online. Most people do not realize that paying a ticket online is an admission of guilt. The consequences of paying a ticket include license points, insurance points, and a possible license suspension.
I am an experienced traffic ticket defense attorney. I have defended thousands of traffic cases in Wake County. I will advise you of your options by reviewing your driving record and the circumstances of your case. I can appear in court on your behalf without you ever having to attend court. My goal is to prevent insurance points and protect your driving privileges. In the long run, it often ends up making good financial sense to hire a knowledgeable attorney.
Common Minor Traffic Violations
- Speeding
- Speeding in a school or Work Zone
- Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign or Red Light
- Expired Tags/Registration
- Failure to Reduce speed & Failure to Yield
- Unsafe Movement
- Improper Passing
More Serious Major Traffic Violations
- Driving Without a License
- Driving While License Revoked (suspended)
- Driving While Impaired
- Reckless or Aggressive Driving
- Hit & Run
- Passing a Stopped School Bus
- Street Racing
- Flee/Elude Arrest
If you are facing charges or an investigation related to a more serious traffic offense, it is in your best interest to retain legal counsel promptly. I can advise you of your options and how best to prepare and defend your case. Serious criminal traffic violations often result in increased license points and insurance points as well as a potential license suspension. Punishment can also include court costs, fine, and, depending on the type of offense, probation or jail time. There is no doubt, these charges can come with costly, long-term consequences.
I take the legal issues facing my clients very seriously and my goal is always to ensure you understand the options available to you, every step of the way.
I’ve found my clients appreciate my straightforward advice and clear explanations. The best thing you can do is contact me immediately following your traffic violation while the details are still fresh in your mind. My initial consultation is always free.